Monday, December 30, 2019

Laos Facts, History, and More

Capital: Vientiane, 853,000 population Major cities: Savannakhet, 120,000; Pakse, 80,000; Luang Phrabang, 50,000; Thakhek, 35,000 Government Laos has a single-party communist government, in which the Lao Peoples Revolutionary Party (LPRP) is the only legal political party. An eleven-member Politburo and a 61-member Central Committee make all laws and policies for the country. Since 1992, these policies have been rubber-stamped by an elected National Assembly, now boasting 132 members, all belonging to the LPRP. The head of state in Laos is the General Secretary and President, Choummaly Sayasone. Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong is the head of government. Population The Republic of Laos has approximately 6.5 million citizens, who are often divided according to altitude into lowland, Midland, and upland Laotians. The largest ethnic group is the Lao, who live mainly in the lowlands and makeup approximately 60% of the population. Other important groups include the Khmou, at 11%; the Hmong, at 8%; and more than 100 smaller ethnic groups that total about 20% of the population and comprise the so-called highland or mountain tribes. Ethnic Vietnamese also make up two percent. Languages Lao is the official language of Laos. It is a tonal language from the Tai language group that also includes Thai and the Shan language of Burma. Other local languages include Khmu, Hmong, Vietnamese and over 100 more. Major foreign languages in use are French, the colonial language, and English. Religion The predominant religion in Laos is Theravada Buddhism, which accounts for 67% of the population. About 30% also practice animism, in some cases alongside Buddhism. There are small populations of Christians (1.5%), Bahai and Muslims. Officially, of course, communist Laos is an atheistic state. Geography Laos has a total area of 236,800 square kilometers (91,429 square miles). It is the only land-locked country in Southeast Asia. Laos borders on Thailand to the southwest, Myanmar (Burma) and China to the northwest, Cambodia to the south, and Vietnam to the east. The modern western border is marked by the Mekong River, the regions major arterial river. There are two major plains in Laos, the Plain of Jars and the Plain of Vientiane. Otherwise, the country is mountainous, with only about four percent being arable land. The highest point in Laos is Phou Bia, at 2,819 meters (9,249 feet). The lowest point is the Mekong River at 70 meters (230 feet). Climate The climate of Laos is tropical and monsoonal. It has a rainy season from May to November, and a dry season from November to April. During the rains, an average of 1714 mm (67.5 inches) of precipitation falls. The average temperature is 26.5 °C (80 °F). Average temperatures over the year range from 34 °C (93 °F) in April to 17 °C (63 °F) in January. Economy Although the economy of Laos has grown at a healthy six to seven percent annually almost every year since 1986  when the communist government loosened central economic control and allowed private enterprise. Nonetheless, more than 75% of the workforce is employed in agriculture, despite the fact that only 4% of the land is arable. While the unemployment rate is only 2.5%, approximately 26% of the population live below the poverty line. Laoss primary export items are raw materials rather than manufactured goods: wood, coffee, tin, copper, and gold. The currency of Laos is the kip. As of July 2012, the exchange rate was $1 US 7,979 kip. History of Laos The early history of Laos is not well-recorded. Archaeological evidence suggests that humans inhabited what is now Laos at least 46,000 years ago, and that complex agricultural society existed there by about 4,000 BCE. Around 1,500 BCE, bronze-producing cultures developed, with complicated funeral customs including the use of burial jars such as those on the Plain of Jars. By 700 BCE, people in what is now Laos were manufacturing iron tools  and had cultural and trade contacts with the Chinese and Indians. In the fourth to eighth centuries CE, people on the banks of the Mekong River organized themselves into Muang, walled cities or petty kingdoms. The Muang were ruled by leaders who paid tribute to more powerful states around them. Populations included the Mon people of the Dvaravati kingdom and proto-Khmer peoples, as well as forebears of the mountain tribes. During this period, animism and Hinduism slowly mixed or gave way to Theravada Buddhism. The 1200s CE saw the arrival of ethnic Tai people, who developed small tribal states centered on semi-divine kings. In 1354, the kingdom of Lan Xang united the area that is now Laos, ruling until 1707, when the kingdom split into three. The successor states were Luang Prabang, Vientiane, and Champasak, all of which were tributaries of Siam. Vientiane also paid tribute to Vietnam.   In 1763, the Burmese invaded Laos, also conquering Ayutthaya (in Siam). A Siamese army under Taksin routed the Burmese in 1778, placing what is now Laos under more direct Siamese control. However, Annam (Vietnam) took power over Laos in 1795, holding it as a vassal until 1828. Laoss two powerful neighbors ended up fighting the Siamese-Vietnamese War of 1831-34 over control of the country. By 1850, the local rulers in Laos had to pay tribute to Siam, China, and Vietnam, although Siam exerted the most influence.   This complicated web of tributary relationships did not suit the French, who were accustomed to the European Westphalian system of nation-states with fixed borders. Having already seized control of Vietnam, the French next wanted to take Siam. As a preliminary step, they used Laoss tributary status with Vietnam as a pretext to seize Laos in 1890, with the intent of continuing on to Bangkok. However, the British wanted to preserve Siam as a buffer between French Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos) and the British colony of Burma (Myanmar).  Siam remained independent, while Laos fell under French imperialism. The French Protectorate of Laos lasted from its formal establishment in 1893 to 1950, when it was granted independence in name but not in fact by France. True independence came in 1954  when France withdrew after its humiliating defeat by the Vietnamese at Dien Bien Phu. Throughout the colonial era, France more or less neglected Laos, focusing on the more accessible colonies of Vietnam and Cambodia instead. At the Geneva Conference of 1954, the representatives of the Laotian government and of Laoss communist army, the Pathet Lao, acted more as observers than participants. As a sort of afterthought, Laos has designated a neutral country with a multi-party coalition government including Pathet Lao members. The Pathet Lao was supposed to disband as a military organization, but it refused to do so.  Just as troubling, the United States refused to ratify the Geneva Convention, afraid that communist governments in Southeast Asia would prove to correct the Domino Theory of spreading communism. Between independence and 1975, Laos was embroiled in a civil war that overlapped with the Vietnam War (American War). The famous Ho Chi Minh Trail, a vital supply line for the North Vietnamese, ran through Laos.  As the US war effort in Vietnam faltered and failed, the Pathet Lao gained an advantage over its non-communist foes in Laos. It gained control of the entire country in August  1975. Since then, Laos has been a communist nation with close ties to neighboring Vietnam and, to a lesser degree, China.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Roles Of Women During World War II - 1338 Words

Throughout history women have been burdened to be nothing more than domestic individuals. Their roles were to fulfill their household duties as wives and mothers. Many restrictions applied to their womanhood and not being able to work was one of them. However, the roles of women changed during World War II. As men were being recruited to fight in the war the openings for jobs were in high demand. During this time many women began to commence in the workforce altering the role of women, particularly those of the Mexican-American communities. Minority groups were often discriminated especially Mexican- Americans, not only were they discriminated but were also seen as criminals and were a temporary implement during the war. Mexican- Americans had to overcome obstacles that were put in their way and fight for what they deserved. Before the war women were responsible to care for their children and be good wives to their husbands. Their responsibilities at home were their only obligations they had to worry about. That quickly changed when the war began, as jobs were being left behind women were needed in the workforce to fill in the spots that were left vacant by men. The government began to endorse Mexican- American women by creating propaganda posters that appealed to them luring them to work. Many of those women began to work in manufacturing warehouses to work on aircrafts. Some of their male counterparts were intimidated with having women working along their side doing jobsShow MoreRelatedRole Of Women During World War II950 Words   |  4 PagesHistory 116 December 1 2015 The Role of Women in World War II In the early 19th century the role of women was typically categorized as doing chores around the house and raising children. Seldom were women seen with real jobs or in positions of full-time employment but as the United States developed so did the role of women. One of the largely contributing factors to the evolution of women’s role in society was the conditions of the US at war. World War II was a war that required more military andRead MoreWomen s Roles During World War II1641 Words   |  7 PagesWomen’s Roles During World War II On September 3rd 1939 World War II started in Europe. During World War II, more than 16 million American men served in the military. While this large portion of the population was overseas fighting for the United States, women had to do many of the jobs in America normally held by men. Women were considered vital assets to the war effort, and the American government made sure to use their skills and labor in many different areas to win the war. Women contributedRead MoreChanging Role Of Women During World War II1434 Words   |  6 PagesChanging Role of Women in World War II When Britain declared war against Germany in 1939, the Australian Prime Minister, Robert Menzies, proclaimed that Australia was also at war. The declaration of war saw Australians respond to another world conflict. On this occasion, Australia itself would be under the threat of attack. World War II would not only require young men to travel overseas and fight but it also significantly impacted the lives of Australian women. The contribution Australian women madeRead MoreRoles of American Women During World War II1144 Words   |  5 Pagessegment Women and World War II) Roles of American Women in World War II Essay Two During World War II, Hollywood films strongly influenced the roles American women played, both while men were away and directly after they returned. These films often sent the message that while their men were away, women must be romantically loyal and keep a secure home for the men to return to. The films also often encouraged women to do their patriotic duty and their part in the war effort by doing war work. Read MoreGender Roles Of Women During World War II1551 Words   |  7 Pagesattention is on this analysis of gender roles and before any blood is spilled, that statement was the expectation of family life until World War II. Men held the sole responsibility for providing the income for a family prior to the war. Men left as soldiers fighting a war and came home to a new world of changes they could not have ever thought possible. Women took jobs normally reserved for men which set the wheels in motion for equality in the workplace. When women found their place in the workforceRead MoreRole Of Mexican American Women During World War II1980 Words   |  8 PagesMarch 3, 2015 The role of Mexican American Women during World War II 1. - The beginning of World War II 2. - Mexican American society before World War II a) The role of the Mexican American woman b) The job opportunities for Mexican American women 3. - Changing roles during World War II a) The job opportunities for Mexican American women during the war b) Leaving the family to go to work 4. – Effects of the World War II experience on Mexican American women 5. - Conclusions Read MoreEssay The Role of Women in Australian Society During World War II 991 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the World War II era, the outlook on the role of women in Australian society revolutionised. As a majority of men were at war, Australian women were encouraged to rise above and beyond their stereotypical ‘housewife’ status. They were required to take on the tasks that were once considered predominantly male roles, and also allowed the opportunity to join the armed services as well as enlist in the Women’s Land Army. Many women who doubted their abilities played their part by entering voluntaryRead MoreWomen and their Involvement in World War II Essay787 Words   |  4 PagesWomen and their Involvement in World War II Women had a huge role in the World War II that so many do not recognize. Women were involved in many different jobs that allowed them to step out of the ordinary norm as the â€Å"typical housewife†, and dive into fierce hardworking jobs that until then only a man could do. Women jumped into the factories and many different roles that contributed to World War II, because the need for more American workers was crucial. A few roles of women prior to theRead MoreWomen During World War II1534 Words   |  7 PagesDuring World War I, women stayed at home, aided the Red Cross, and volunteered with churches and civic groups to collect donations. Women s roles in World War II challenged the traditional roles of homemaker and caregiver. Women took on a more active role in the military and held positions alongside men. They were trusted with more responsibilities and offered more freedom than they had during the First World War. Women held more traditional roles in comparison to World War II when women took onRead MoreWomens Role During World War 11 Essay1210 Words   |  5 PagesWomen’s Role During World War II During World War II, thousands of women in various nations were deeply involved in volunteer work alongside men. Before World War II, the women’s role was simply to be a wife to her husband, a mother to her children, and a caretaker to the house (Barrow). As World War II raged on, women made enormous sacrifices for their family, and also learnt new jobs and new skills. Women were needed to fill many â€Å"male jobs†, while men went off to fight in the war. Women served

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Son of God Free Essays

Page 1 Marrisa Lumia Jesus Across the Millennium March 29, 2012 Jesus: The Son of God A meaning behind a name can be very significant. It can be a way to interpret someone, describe him or her, and see who he or she really is. Jesus is a man who has numerous names and various meanings to them. We will write a custom essay sample on Son of God or any similar topic only for you Order Now He is the known as a teacher, a famous prophet, a miracle worker, and a wonderful example. One significant name that Jesus is known for is the Son of God. At the heart of the Nicene Creed it states â€Å" the only- begotten Son of God†. The Son of God is to be of the same nature as God and the Son of God is â€Å"of God†. Out of all the names for Jesus, Son of God has had one of the most lifelong impacts in Christian history and has become part of the profession of faith by many Christians. But according to the theological view, Jesus is known as a respected prophet, but not as the Son of God. The Son of God is extremely significant in the historical context, Christianity, and to the theological view. What exactly does the Son of God mean? Literally speaking, it does not mean that God procreated him, it is much more spiritual than that. Jesus was â€Å"chosen to be† the â€Å"Son of God† by the Resurrection from the dead. This was not in human flesh, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. This means because of the Resurrection from the dead, Jesus Page 2 was not just another physical offspring of David. Jesus was the divine Son of God who went sent down from God to save us. There is disagreement about Jesus’ nature and his relationship with God the Father. Many believe in the trinity and use expressions God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in attempts to express this saying as all three persons. On the other hand, many believe that there is only one highest being who expressed Himself in three different ways. They believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are purely forms of God. While others trust that God is the only divine being and that Christ is only a created being. It is taught in the Bible that the Messiah was Jesus, whose â€Å"mortal† parents were Joseph and Mary of Nazareth. Jesus was a man who lived a sinless life and then gave His life on the cross in order to redeem mankind from their sins. According to John 1:11-12, â€Å"He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name. The historical view of Jesus had many names and meanings, but in the Scriptures Christians referred to Jesus as the Son of God. In both the Old and New Testament Jesus was referred to as the Son of God. In the Old Testament Son of God is recurrent. According to NewAdvent. org , the word â€Å"son† was used by many of the Semites to represent cl ose connection or intimate relationship. A hero or warrior was known as the â€Å"son of strength†, a wicked man â€Å"son of wickedness†, and a possessor â€Å"son of possession†. In the Old Testament the label â€Å"Son Page 3 of God† was applied to persons having any special relationship with God. The title â€Å" Sons of God† were referred to as Angels, leaders of the people, kings, princes, and judges because they withheld authority from God. In the Old Testament, Jesus was not only known as the Son of God but he was also called Emmanuel (which means God with us), Wonderful, God the Mighty, Prince of Peace, Counselor, the Father of the world to come. In the New Testament, the Son of God is referred to Jesus Christ in both the Gospels and Epistles. By expressing His Divinity this shed light on many of the meanings attached to passages of the Gospels. In the New Testament, an angel announced: â€Å"He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High†¦ the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God† (Luke 1:32, 35). Also it states that Nathaniel, at his first meeting, called Him the Son of God (John 1:49). Ironically the Devils and Jews also referred to Him as the Son of God. In each one of these cases, the meaning of Son of God was equivalent to the Messiah. A puzzling question from the theological standpoint that raised conflict was, â€Å"How could Jesus be The Son of God, and God at the same time? The question has been on the minds of many Theologists for centuries. Christian theology depends on the Father-Son language to correctly describe the connection between Jesus and God. For thousands of years, Christians have believed that there is one God, and three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, each of them being one with God. According to Christian theology, there is a problem with the doctrine of trinity. The doctrine states that there is precisely one God; which means that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Spirit is God; and that Father, Son, and Spirit are separate. This could mean that ‘is God’ Page 4 either means ‘is identical God’ or ‘is divine’. Either way there is a problem to this puzzle. One way it opposes the doctrine is if the Father is equal to God and the Son is equal to God, then it would conclude that the Father is identical to the Son. Another way this opposes the doctrine is if the Father is divine and the Son is divine and the Father is separate from the Son, then there are at least two divine persons, which means there would be two Gods. According to theology, either way the doctrine would be missing pieces to its puzzle. Jesus was a man of wonder with many names and meanings to them. He was known for being a teacher, a famous prophet, a miracle worker, and a wonderful example. One significant name that Jesus was known for is the Son of God. Throughout Christian history the title Son of God has had a lifelong impact on Christian and became part of their profession of faith. The development of the theological view was very different. Jesus maybe known as a respected prophet, but he was not as the Son of God. The title of Jesus as the Son of God is very significant. He is a man of glorious wonder and faith. Although through the theologists eyes Jesus maybe the Son of God but is not God himself. But in the historical view and the Bible, the Son of God is extremely significant and respected. Page 5 Bibliography Dunn, James Douglas Grant. , and Scott Mcknight. â€Å"Chapter 4. † The Historical Jesus in Recent Research. Winona Lake, Ind: Eisenbrauns, 2005. 271+. Print Borg, Marcus J. , and N. T. Wright. The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions. [San Francisco, CA]: HarperSanFrancisco, 1998. Print. Aherne, Cornelius. â€Å"Son of God. † The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 14. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912. 13 Apr. 2012 http://www. newadvent. org/cathen/14142b. htm Dunn, James Douglas Grant. , and Scott Mcknight. â€Å"Chapter 4. † The Historical Jesus in Recent Research. Winona Lake, Ind: Eisenbrauns, 2005. 271+. Print â€Å"Son of God. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Dec. 2012. Web. 13 Apr. 2012. . Murray, Michael, and Michael Rea. â€Å"Philosophy and Christian Theology. † (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Web. 13 Apr. 2012. How to cite Son of God, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Spirituality and Health Multidisciplinary Explorations

Question: Discuss about the Spirituality and Health for Multidisciplinary Explorations. Answer: Introduction: In the assignment, I aim to reflect on a movie Provoked and use theoretical paradigms to a specific areas of practice. In this context, I want to explore the female character, who became the victim of heart-wrenching oppession from her husband. She witnessed the striking reality of domestic violence and reckless torture. In the assignment, I intend to select the female character named Kiranjit Ahluwalia, played by Aishwarya Rai. Her character was victimized and exploited by her husband named Deepak Ahluwalia. The male character, Deepak Ahluwalia, played by Naveen Andrews. Initially, the character of Aishwarya Rai was shown as an oppressed wife, who was physically and mentally tortured by her husband on regular basis. Using the theories from the book, Modern social work theory by Malcolm Payne (2015), I intend to explore the approaches in the research. The theories that the writer emphasizes are humanistic practice, existentialism, and spirituality. At the same time, I have used other theories such as empowerment, advocacy, critical practice, feminist practice, anti-oppressive and multicultural sensitivity approaches to practice. The purpose of the assignment is to conflate the modern social theories with the cinematic situations and transitions of the film. The theories address the crises and the exploitation perpetrated to the young married woman, Kiranjit Ahluwalia by her husband in the film. In order to understand theories and practice, one has to grasp the concept of social work theory. The first segment of theories related to Humanistic practice and existentialism that put an emphasis on personal development. According to Malcolm Payne (2015), the theoretical perspectives underscore shared knowledge as a source of individual and collective empowerment. At the same time, the empowerment and advocacy theory spawns experience and nexus that bolster people to gain a deeper comprehension of their lives and revisions within them. The critical theories give an interesting insight into the existing social order that analyzes the factors, focusing on social barriers. Malcolm Payne (2015) argues that Humanism and Existentialism are the disparate ways of understanding human life. The humanistic vision emphasizes the ability of conscious human beings to identify, use logic and act independently of the superfluous powers, such as almighty, religion, community and superstitions. The model of Humanism regards the interpretation of people as authentic. The Humanistic ideas juxtapose both the practice and writings. Payne claims that Existentialism defines the ability of people to achieve the individual power to regulate the lives. The concept of Spirituality highlights the quest for meanings and goals in life, focusing on the transcendental regime of human beings. Feminist theories elucidate and lend response to the oppressed status of women in most societies. The feminist theories address the physical and mental domination of women with the help of coordinated dialogue and group work. In this way, these theories comprehend the changing dynamics of the society that affect the social liaison of women. Antidiscriminatory/multicultural sensitivity theories manifest a critical understanding of cultural and racial hurdles, struggles and divergence (Payne, 2015). The conflated theories manifest practice that respects the individual and social perspective of people. Based on these theories of social work, the plight of the dominated female character of the film Provoked shall be addressed. In the assignment, the writer puts an emphasis on other theories such as Psychodynamic Practice, Cognitive Behavioural Practice, Systems and Ecological Practice, Macro Practice, Social Development, and Social Pedagogy. Psychodynamic practice unravels how the problem-solving mechanisms of social work bolster the current social trend and help people adjust to the society with ease. Cognitive-Behavioral Practice offers the practitioners of social work an efficient tool that emphasized the development of behavior of the individual in a rational way. At the same time, the practitioners understand the genesis of the behavioral problem. Cognitive-Behavioral theories unravel how thought process engender behavioral processes (Payne, 2015).With the help of the theory, every individual comprehends the changing dynamics of behavioral pattern. Based on this theory, all the individuals can lessen social issues that affect them. Systems and Ecological practice support the melange of interpersonal skills with abilities that involve social organization, families, and communities. The practice underscores the integration of personal and social factors. The purpose of the Systems and Ecological practice is to help pe ople adjust themselves in the surrounding. Based on the Systems and Ecological ideas, every individual responds to the social milieu. Macro practice, social development, and social pedagogy are the three trends used by social workers. They employ these three approaches and bring all people with same interests and preferences. These approaches help the social workers identify the preferred concerns and work in unity to resolve the problems (Payne, 2015). In the assignment, the theories (discussed above) should be connected with the chosen character of the film. The chosen film is Provoked and the character of Aishwarya Rai plays the crucial role. The name of the character of Aishwarya Rai is Kiranjit Ahluwalia, who married an affectionate man, Deepak Ahluwalia and migrated to London, United Kingdom. The female protagonist, albeit, showed in an emasculated light at the first stage of the film. She went through a phase of domestic turmoil and rapacity. In her martial sojourn, her husband used to exploit her physically and mentally. In the piece, the writer aims to connect the discussed theories with the cinematic situations. With the help of the theories, I intend to delineate the image of the female character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia. The theories that I have discussed are Humanistic practice, Existentialism, Spirituality, anti-discriminatory/multicultural sensitivity. There are other theories that construe the situations faced by the fema le character in the film. These theories are Psychodynamic Practice, Cognitive Behavioural Practice, Systems and Ecological Practice, Macro Practice, Social Development, and Social Pedagogy. To begin with, the first theory is Humanistic practice, which is a significant theory. Based on this perspective, the human being is able to discern, employ logic and act independently of the superfluous forces, like almighty, religion, ethnicity and superstitious notions. In the film, the chosen character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia became aware of the graveness of the situation. After enduring the brutal torture for a long time, she planned to teach a lesson to her husband. For a long period, her husband used to perpetrate violence on her. She was mercilessly exploited and left her in the lurch. Once, she lost all her cool and murdered her husband. During that time, she became infuriated by her husband's activities. Her husband, Deepak Ahluwalia never thought in a humanistic way. At the other end of the spectrum, the chosen female character always kept the priorities of her children above everything. She remained silent, inasmuch as of the children. For a long time, she applied Humanistic practice and never reciprocated to the torture. In the last, she could not cope with the growing domestic crises and break into a sprint. The next theory is Existentialism that plays a crucial role in this regard. According to Malcolm Payne (2015), Existentialism is a philosophical theory that underscores the concept of existence of the individual person as a free responsible and determined agent. In the course of the film, the female protagonist, Kiranjit Ahluwalia faced a phase of domestic crises and violence. She remained at the receiver's end and countenanced a rigid phase. Initially, she was beaten and exploited by her husband. She could not withstand the pain and misery for a long time. Bereft of the familiar satisfaction, she killed her husband and committed a crime. After murdering her husband, she was detained by the British police. She was sentenced for killing her husband, Deepak Ahluwalia. However, she began to experience a new way of life in the British jail. The chosen female character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia started to live an independent and responsible life. She did not have to deal with the brutal activit ies of her husband. After entering the jail, her life changed at a rapid pace. She became friends with many impoverished and friendly roommates. The female character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia enjoyed a new space and brimmed with happiness. The theory of Existentialism founds a new ground in the film, Provoked. The next theory is Spirituality that assumed a new dimension in the movie, Provoked. The idea of Spirituality highlights the mission for implications and objectives in life, concentrating on the supernatural administration of people. There is no single, generally concurred meaning of spirituality. Surveys of the meaning of the term, as utilized as a part of the insightful research, demonstrate an expansive scope of definitions, going from extremely slender and uni-dimensional definitions, for example, an individual confidence in a heavenly realm to more extensive ideas. An overview of audits by McCarroll (2005), i.e. managing the point of the most profound sense of giving twenty-seven unequivocal definitions. This causes some trouble in attempting to study otherworldly existence deliberately; i.e., it hinders both comprehension and the ability to convey discoveries in an important manner. Surely, a hefty portion of otherworldly existence's center elements are not one of a kind to a d eep sense of being distant from everyone else; for instance, German logician Arthur Schopenhauer (an acclaimed agnostic) respected self-amazing quality, self-denial and the acknowledgment of one's association with all as a key to moral living. The crux of the matter is how would one relate the concept of spirituality with the chosen character? In the film, Provoked, the female protagonist suffered from a phase of anxiety and domestic pain. After killing her husband, she was sentenced to jail. In the British jail, a new chapter of her life started. In the course of her life in jail, she makes friends with her roommates and delved deep into the study of her perspective. She was aware of her strength and weakness in a stretch. At the same time, she was in the quest for objectives in her life, focusing on the transcendental realm. In this way, she learned to fight against all the oppressive forces that overwhelmed her at the initial stage. The next theory is anti-discriminatory/multicultural sensitivity, which needs to be discussed in a detailed manner. At the same time, I aim to relate the theory with the framing of the chosen female character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia of the film Provoked. Anti-discriminatory Practice is a significant course that developed at the School of Social Work at York University, Canada. It has been created in order to advance a structure in which students can build up a reliably modest and basic way to deal with working in a worldwide setting. The students are urged to investigate their part as both oppressor and persecuted with a specific end goal to comprehend the unique situation for working with a different populace. The school attempted an educational programs audit so as to create and build up a program to prepare the students to work with different people groups. The course incorporates an examination of one's history, ethnicity, qualities and status in the public eye. Similarly, investigat ions of force and benefit emanating from transnational cooperation.Transnational points of view are vital in examinations of hegemonic frameworks due to expanding streams of work, capital, culture and information creation among countries and districts (Grewal and Kaplan, 1994). Anti-discriminatory and multicultural sensitivity, according to Malcolm Payne (2015), show a basic comprehension of social and racial obstacles and dissimilarity. The conflated hypotheses show the individual and social point of view of the global audience. In light of these speculations of social work, the predicament of the exploited female character of the film 'Provoked' should be addressed. In the film, Provoked, the chosen female protagonist battled against all obstacles and dissimilarity that enfeebled her. After killing her husband, she overcame all the anxieties and troubles that made her knelt before the fate of destruction. Domestic violence is a variant of social tension and abuse that is applied to the women. In the film, Provoked, the female character is showed in an emasculated light. She was entrenched in the patriarchal setting, where the husband dominated her wife throughout the film. Subsequently, the female character gained confidence and composure. After killing h er husband, she rescued herself and her children from the monstrous clutch. In the British Jail, she began to experience a new wave of freedom and life. Therefore, she broke all the social obstacles and made her free from the destructive peril. The next theory is a Psychodynamic practice that is the matter of significance. In the assignment, I have already explained Malcolm Payne's perspective on the stated theory. A psychodynamic hypothesis is a hypothesis that clarifies human conduct and human inspiration in understanding the cognizant and oblivious powers. Albeit a wide range of psychodynamic speculations exists, they all underscore oblivious intentions and yearnings, and also the significance of early adolescence encounters in molding identity. They emanate from the network of the psychoanalytic hypothesis. According to Payne (2015), Psychodynamic theory disentangles how the critical thinking systems of social work support the present social pattern and help individuals adjust with the general public effortlessly. In the film, Provoked, the chosen character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia countenanced stressful life that was not regulated. She had to cope with the growing domestic crises and the violence that was perpetrated on her by her husband. She was overwhelmed by the patriarchal impulse. In order to get rid of her monstrous husband, she killed him and entered the British jail. In the jail, she underwent many session of counseling and therapy. She began to make friends with the roommates and lead a life of happiness. In the course, the social work practitioners at the jail applied social work mechanism and helped her adjust to the society. They helped her to live a blissful life without any apprehension. In this way, she started to relax her mind setting and experienced a new way of living with her children in England. The next theory is Cognitive Behavioural Practice, which is explained in the assignment. Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) is an organized, time-restricted way to deal with psychotherapy that intends to address clients present issues (Dobson and Dobson, 2009). CBT utilizes issue employed intellectual and behavioral methodologies guided by experimental science and built hypotheses of learning and perception (Craske, 2010). These intercessions are conveyed inside a communitarian setting where specialists and customers cooperate to distinguish issues, set objectives, create mediation methodologies, and assess the adequacy of those procedures. As indicated by Malcolm (2015), Cognitive-Behavioral hypotheses unwind how a point of view induce behavioral procedures. With the assistance of the hypothesis, each individual appreciates the changing flow of behavioral example. In view of this hypothesis, every one of the people can decrease social issues that influence them. In the film, Provo ked, the chosen female character suffered heavily from mental depression, wrought by the domestic chores. She was brutally tortured by her husband. Therefore, she killed her husband and was detained by the British police officers. In the British jail, the social work practitioners deliberated on a systematic counseling of the victim. At the same time, the social work experts used cognitive behavioral strategies i.e. wielding of cognitive or cerebral faculties and fostered a new lease of life to the exploited woman. The woman was showed a new and enlightened path of living. Subsequently, she was released from the jail tenure. She started to live a happy life with her children in the foreign country. The next theory is Systems and Ecological Practice, which is an important theory. In the assignment, I have discussed the perspective of Malcolm Payne on the theory in the earlier segment. Payne (2015) says that Systems and Ecological practice bolsters the assimilation of interpersonal aptitudes with capacities that include social association, families, and groups. The practice underscores the incorporation of individual and social variables. The motivation behind the Systems and Ecological practice is to help individuals adjust to the society. In light of the Systems and Ecological thoughts, each individual reacts to the social setting. In the film, Provoked, the exploited woman underwent a session of counseling (Robbins et al., 2011). The social work practitioners made her comprehend the changing dynamic of her life. She started to live a life of happiness and learned to overcome the miserable incident that compounded her life. The last two theories are Feminist theory and social pedagogy. According to Malcolm Payne (2015), Feminist theory clarifies and reacts to the oppressed status of women in many social orders. It addresses the physical and mental control of women with the assistance of discourse and gathering work. The Feminist theory is directly related to the oppressed plight of the woman in the film, Provoked. With the help of the discourse, the chosen character learned to battle against all odds of the society. Payne (2015) claims that Macro practice, social advancement, and social pedagogy are the three patterns utilized by social workers. They utilize these three methodologies and carry all individuals with same interests and inclinations. These three distinct social trends are encapsulated in the film, Provoked. Reference Craske, M. G., Wolitzky-Taylor, K. B., Labus, J., Wu, S., Frese, M., Mayer, E. A., Naliboff, B. D. (2011). A cognitive-behavioral treatment for irritable bowel syndrome using interoceptive exposure to visceral sensations.Behaviour research and therapy,49(6), 413-421. Dobson, K. S. (Ed.). (2009).Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies. Guilford Press. Grewal, I., Kaplan, C. (Eds.). (1994).Scattered hegemonies: Postmodernity and transnational feminist practices. U of Minnesota Press. McCarroll, P., OConnor, T. StJ. Meakes, E.(2005). Assessing plurality in spirituality definitions.Spirituality and health: Multidisciplinary explorations, 43-61. Payne, M. (2015).Modern social work theory. Oxford University Press. Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., Canda, E. R. (2011).Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work. Pearson Higher Ed.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Dr. Bryan Corbin Essays - Trading Faces, DraftNoah Cronbaugh

Dr. Bryan Corbin ENGL Composition 1301 March 1, 2017 Complications Everyone has one, two, or maybe even three times in their lives where they have a serious complication that they have to overcome. The problem varies from person to person. With some having issues in money management, and others having trouble maintaining a relationship. In my case the situation was that i was too gullible. Throughout my ninth grade year i got into many relationships and friendships, which is usually a good thing until your friend or partner ends up betraying your trust. The first example I have is one of my ex-girlfriends named Monique. Monique Coleman, or as my parents called her, "Monique the super freak", was my girlfriend for about two months in 2014. Throughout the relationship I was a little new to the scene, meaning i had good book knowledge, however, i did not have as much street knowledge. For the duration of the two months she repeatedly dropped many hints of infidelity and unloyalty, however, since at that time i was just happy to be dating, I skipped passed all the signs even though my friends and family were telling me to watch out. In the end I found out that she had dated and performed favors for almost everyone in my friend group, which is about 12 people. In addition to the girl mentioned in the paragraph above, the friends that she had been with prior to our relationship also went behind my back to be with her while i was supposed to be with her. Again, everyone was dropping hints and telling me that i was being played but i chose to ignore it. As a result of my inability to detect lies and games, i got emotionally hurt by this discovery, however, I kept following my old path. The days turned to months and the months to years. Throughout the whole time I kept believing that everyone was my friend and no one would try to hurt me, That ideology all changed during my 10th grade school year, at North Shore Senior High School. Toward the end of ninth grade my next-door neighbor, Janesha, had begun talking to one of my close friends named Jordan. Her parents never approved of Jordan due to the fact that he is rowdy, comes from a bad background, performs illegal activities, and has a bad history with girls. Around the same time period Janesha had acquired a new best friend named Jazmine. Jazmine was not from a stable household like Janesha or I, so when she came to Janesha's house while I was over there she always tried to talk to me about dating and things of the sort. And every time she mentioned it I turned her down on her offer. Now that I think back on the moment I believe that is why she started to try to get me in trouble. Fast forward a bit into the second semester of 10th grade around March. Janesha was getting of the bus kissing Jordan and her father was waiting for her just a few feet away and caugh t the two. Later on that day Janesha's mother, Michelle, came over to my house to ask me if I knew any information dealing with Jordan and Janesha's relationship. Being the good friend I am, I did not give out any information and instead acted like I barely found out that they were dating a few days prior. Well, after questioning me they forced Janesha to give them Jazmine's number and proceeded to call her. Jazmine told Mrs. Michelle everything she knew about the two dating, and how they had been seeing eachother for almost a year now. In the end of the conflict Janesha got grounded and as best friends do, she vented to Jazmine. During their conversation Jazmine lied to Janesha and stated that I was the one who told her mother about everything and that she was get me back for snitching on her best friend. Then next few days were quiet until saturday morning when i received a text from jazmine, who I had never given my number to, stating that she was going to get

Monday, November 25, 2019

Holism vs. Mechanism in Defining Totalities

Holism vs. Mechanism in Defining Totalities Science, as ordinarily understood, is concerned with those phenomena revealed through the five senses, particularly tha eyes. From a host of observations on instruments of various sorts, the physicist infers the existence of electrons, atoms and so forth. But each of us has another sort of knowledge of one special part of the universe, of one special phenomenon of the universe, namely himself (Birch 229). Much debate has centered around the dichotomy of wholes and parts from as early as Democritus (5th century BCE) and Aristotle (4th century BCE). Democritean and Aristotelian philosophies have each had their favor during parts of history. Aristotle was the earliest systematic biologist and, following an encyclopedic treatment of his personal observations on around 500 different types of animals (Swanson 23), he found as the most striking character of biological phenomena its finalism. He later extended this concept into a teleological philosophy, and although he did eventually introduce the concept of a causal necessity, the main conclusion emerging from his analysis was that by far the most important cause in biological and physical phenomena is the final cause (Montalenti 20). His was the most widely accepted view in the West for many centuries due mainly to Aquinas. Dante, for instance, reproaches Democritus for having attributed the world to the mere work of chance (inf., IV, 131, 136). Although that was not altogether precise, for the medieval Aristotelian it came down to the same thing: how can one attempt to explain the harmony of the world without resorting to final causes? Democritus, in turn, presented the West with a much valued causal interpretation of nature. For Democritus, all things resulted from the movement and interactions between atoms, soul atoms being simply a somewhat more subtle version of the others (Reeves 58). The debate between Democritean and Aristotelian points of views in science and the philosophy of the sciences centers around the question of whether novelties occur or whether all phenomena can be explained as resulting purely from elementary interactions. Both views stand on weak foundations on their own. ‘Reductionism’, as it is often called, aims at explaining the universe 1) without consorting to a fundamental notion of functionally irreducible units, and 2) by outlining the behavior and interaction between what have been shown to be probabilistic – rather than deterministic – elementary particles. In response to that view, Polanyi states that the mechanistic explanation of the universe is a meaningless ideal. Not because of the much invoked Principle of Indeterminacy, which is irrelevant, but because the prediction of all atomic positions in the universe would not answer any question of interest to anybody (41-42). But ‘holism’ does not have it easy either. It can not cling to intuitive notions (i.e. vitalism) and must make amends with the fact that matter is what there is and what ultimately forms the complexities around us – as well as ourselves. The question is, do we have the right concept of matter? In 1926 J.C. Smuts called for a reform of the concept of matter, stating that the acceptance of the view for which the materialists fought so hard means in effect a complete transformation of the simple situation which they envisaged; since matter is capable of life and consciousness, [it] is no longer the old matter which was merely the vehicle of motion and energy (10). This view is akin to Birch’s account of a lecture in which Professor W.E. Agar said â€Å"a few thousand million years ago there was primeval chaos, and now, here we are, and I think few people can really sustain a belief that a universe which produced life and man requires no different kind of explanation than would be demanded by a universe which did not do so† (Birch 230). In 1843, J.S. Mill sought to develop a middle way through what came to be known as ‘emergence’: the idea that material complexity leads to the emergence of novel properties, and that properties belonging to a system’s components may become suppressed at these higher levels of integration. It remains a matter of debate whether emergent properties may have any causal power within a system. William Hasker believes so; he maintains that although mental properties emerge from the brain and are inseparable from it, conscious properties are not logical consequences of any combination of properties and of relations between the material constituents of the brain. He further maintains that a new individual entity emerges of a certain functional configuration of the material constituents of the brain and nervous system, endowed with libertarian freedom (230). Perhaps the fact that our knowledge of elemental particles weakened rather than reinforced the Democritean ideal, we find a number of quantum physicists taking seriously the notion of irreducible unity. Schrà ¶dinger postulates that the best possible knowledge of a whole does not necessarily include the best possible knowledge of all its parts, even though they may be entirely separate and therefore virtually capable of being best possibly known, i.e., of possessing, each of them, a representative of its own. The lack of knowledge is by no means due to the interaction being insufficiently known - at least not in the way that it could possibly be known more completely - it is due to the interaction itself (Schrà ¶dinger 555). David Bohm, in turn, argues that all action is in the form of definite and measurable units of energy, momentum and other properties called quanta which cannot be further divided†¦ [Thus,] when particles interact, it is as if they were all connected by i ndivisible links into a single whole† (90) It might be, as Laszlo views it, that contemporary science has tacitly abandoned the notion of isolated particulars as its units of investigation, and now concerns itself with ordered totalities (Laszlo 2). However, in a world made up of systems within systems, totalities are not easily defined. One very good definition of unities is given to us by Maturana and Varela under the term autopoiesis – self-production or self-creation. Autopoiesis seeks to convey autonomy as the central feature of the organization of â€Å"living autopoietic machines, which they define as a network of processes of production (transformation and destruction) of components that produces the components which†¦ regenerate and realize the network of processes (relations) that produced them; and†¦ constitute it†¦ as a concrete unity (Maturana and Varela 79).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Review of Accounting Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Review of Accounting Ethics - Assignment Example Other reasons behind such accounting ethical breaches are the avoidance of taxes, prevention from a legal or regulatory consequence, approving the loans from the financial institutions, etc. (Weil, 2012) The importance of accounting ethical breaches is highlighted more especially in the events when the public money is involved in the financing of the organizations. Such organizations which are keen enough to attract the external financing through representation of general-public are willing to portray their desired financial results to the upcoming investors of the organization. By such ready-made results, these organizations tend to mislead the investors so that their shares can be fully subscribed and the company can raise their required amount of money in the first stance. Besides the accounting standards, there are some code of ethics have been issued by the regulators to assist the companies in making their financial statements more ethical. ... Groupon Inc. went to general-public for raising external financing through issuance of shares to the common investors. The share price of the company surged from $20 to $31 on the first trading day of the shares of the company. The underwriters of the company like Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs and others millions of dollars in creating a hype for this stock in the form of underwriting fee. With conservative estimations, it is believed that those investors who bought the shares of Groupon Inc. have lost some $9 billion in total since November 4, 2011, the first trading day of the Groupon Inc.’s stock. The share price of the company fell to around $13 from a high of $31 since its inception. However, the original backer of the company’s shares, Mason, Eric and others kept their holdings with them and did not sell any portion thereof. On account of such holdings that they kept with them of the stocks of Groupon Inc., they received an incentiv e named as â€Å"payday† which was a fat reward for such endeavor (Weil, 2012). Financial analysts and critics believe that it was mainly the fault of the management of the Groupon Inc. using such aggressive accounting to cause such debacle. The accounting treatment of the company was so aggressive that the Securities and Exchange Commission of US had to intervene in the financial matters of Groupon Inc. twice before the launch of its IPO. The accountants of the Groupon Inc. recognized the full revenues of the coupons that they sell to their merchants. The company booked all the revenues in this regard which heightened its earnings sharply just before the launch of the IPO. At that time, the analysts were

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discussion Question 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Discussion Question 3 - Essay Example It is also a good idea to have the questions checked by another person who is thoroughly knowledgeable with the subject of the questions. The day of the test is one of high tension and anxiety. The examinees wait for the time when the test papers will be handed over to them. The atmosphere is charged in silent anticipations. It is a solemn occasion, border on a war-like situation. In my opinion, each step is important as the other. But I would rate the safe keeping of the test paper as the most important step, because with property security the paper might get stolen leaving the entire exercise futile and meaningless. (Basic Steps in Test Construction) Ans. The basic purpose of a question is to elicit answer which meets the expected knowledge level of the student in a particular grade. Having obtained the information in the course of classroom studies and instructions from the pedagogue and also personal efforts comprising homework and revision, the student is expected to grasp and retain the level of knowledge to respond to a certain question. The context plays an important role when interpreting assessment results because it helps the assessor link the question with the correct information necessary for the answer. The context covers all the important aspects of the question such as what, why, where, how, when, and the source, as relevant to the question in particular as applicable to the whole class. Without the context, the question becomes generalized leaving the scope for answer also general and without relevance for the particular class or group. (British Columbia) Q3. Why is it important to pilot test items Ans. Pilot test is done to design the entire curriculum consisting of the information lessons in the text book, together with questions, and the vocabulary level suitable for the students' age group and intelligence. A pilot test is a long drawn-out affair involving time and evaluation by a competent teacher/researcher. The evaluation is carried out by the teacher/researcher after a period of his/her training. The training is rigorous and necessary to brief the teacher about the subject content. Once the training is complete, the teacher begins to conduct a model class with the help of the subject curriculum. The feedbacks received from the students' reactions as a result of the daily instructions by the teacher are noted down by the teacher and preserved for further analysis by another independent evaluator. Even after the evaluation is through, the pilot test is not complete until the principal gives his approval in writing. (CUES - Pilot

Monday, November 18, 2019

Self-Sacrifice in O.Henry's Gift of the magi and Rabindranath Tagore's Essay

Self-Sacrifice in O.Henry's Gift of the magi and Rabindranath Tagore's The Cabuliwallah - Essay Example O’Henry was praised as a valued US Southern writer who recorded the reality of the south of his time in his stories. His personal history is almost as interesting as those of his characters, and nearly as ironic, While many know his real name, few know his real history, since fact and fiction have become totally entwined, and the "legendary O. Henry †¦ is very different from the real William Sydney Porter. In his bit of autobiographica, which he published in the New York Times, April 4, 1909, Porter himself contributed to this legend." (Paine 351) Writing was probably a very good career for OHenry at that time, because he spent more than three years in prison for a crime he did not commit, and he was reclusive type in any case. It is not that he never went out, but he seldom revealed anything terribly personal about himself("Federico and the Magis Gift." 70-70). He is known for the interesting twists in his stories, the most famous of which is probably The Gift of the Magi. In the story a young couple were very poor each sacrifices their most precious possession in order to buy a beautiful gift for the other. The poignant irony is that each gift it is bought to accompany the precious thing that the other sacrificed. In the wifes case she had her long hair cut in order to buy a beautiful platinum watch fob for her husbands gold watch. The husband, in his turn, sold his gold watch to buy her some very expensive combs for her hair. I was found it rather sad that he actually sold the watch. I wouldve preferred that he pointed, since it was a family heirloom. Her hair will grow back, and they pawned watch could be redeemed. Rabindranath Tagore was born into a privileged family in 1871 and died in 1941 before the final split up of India. He was a fierce nationalilst, but was known to criticize Gandhi for being a bit too extreme. He did not

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Effects of Television on Child Development

Effects of Television on Child Development Effects of Television Shallene K Green Society looks at the effects of watching television, which raises the question- Does television harm children from an early age? Dr. John Grohol, Psy.D., an author, researcher and expert in mental health believes through research that television has a harmful effect on the development of children. He claims that it can negatively impact study skills and test scores. The research conducted by Dr. Grohol supported the claim that television has negative side effects on children by exposing them to sex and violence at an early age. Contradictory to this is that it can, and does, offer a view into other worlds by showing other cultures in a society different than a child’s own. Studies may show that exposure to television does affect a child; however, what also needs to be addressed and considered are: What programs were these children viewing? How much of an impact does a childs experiences with other outside sources of influence make on their educational performance? Surely, the data from these studies can be deemed as biased or supporting an already formed opinion that television alone was the cause of lower test scores and behavioral problems for children. Dr. Grohol supports the idea that television has a negative impact on the educational development of children. His study suggests that exposure to television resulted in low test scores. It showed that 70 percent of children with a television in their bedroom scored seven to nine points lower on a standardized test (Grohol, 2009). Dr. Grohol’s study additionally showed that childrens test scores during the testing period were lower than children excluded from the project. While evidence suggests that television negatively impacts the test scores of a child, it also has effects on behavioral and emotional development, such as aggression and anxiety, that could also have been caused by watching television (Mitrofan, Paul, Spencer, 2009). Dr. Grohol believes that a child watching television will be slower in school; therefore, leading to an unsuccessful and unproductive educational future. Another factor contributing to the effect that television has on certain individuals would be: how long was the childs interaction with the television program, what was the type of show that was being watched and how influential was a parents involvement as to what programs are available for the child. He believes that â€Å"babysitting† children with a television set deprives them of vital human interaction necessary for growth and development. Dr. Grohol explains that the sex and violence depicted in television have a detrimental effect on young minds. By monitoring and restricting the amount and the content viewed by children, their early childhood development would have a better probability of educational, emotional and social success. Researchers, like Dr. Grohol, need to take into account the effect that watching television has on the number of hours of sleep a child has every night. Sleep appears necessary for our nervous systems to work properly (Grohol, 2014). However, are children losing sleep because theyre watching too much television or is it because their brains are too stimulated to be able to fall asleep? It is far more likely that children are watching too much television at the fault of their guardians who are not regulating it. In which case, the blame for children doing poorly in school should be equally placed on guardians and not solely on television itself. When used properly, television may become a positive weapon for teachers and parents by providing children with brain stimulating educational programming instead of programs containing sexual innuendo and violent content. Television does have potential to be positive by giving children access to viewing new worlds, giving them a chance to trav el the globe, learn about different cultures, and gain exposure to ideas that they may never encounter in their own community (Boyse, 2010). The other side of this study process showed the windows of opportunity to learn about cultures around the world by gaining personal experience and applying that information to a child’s own upbringing and community. While there is reasonable evidence that shows how television can affect how a child does in school and everyday life, outside social and emotional interactions also need to be taken into consideration on their effect towards developmental success. When parents stay engaged with a child and provide guidance through educational programs, they can dictate what is appropriate for viewing and monitor the quantity watched. Television also affects children differently. When more research is studied it suggests that boys are particularly vulnerable to parental conflict, and with the combination of television, it can increase a discord in the classroom. Whereas a girl may, or may not, respond with an outburst of anger by displaying physical aggression by thinking less of themselves (Murray, Ducournau, Stein, 2005). Without parental involvement, these radical emotional portrayals are far more prominent and likely. The difference between boys and girls can be very different, and can influence h ow they react to the content of television. Keeping in mind that no two children are alike, everyone involved in a child’s life needs to stay in tune with how they are doing in school, with friends or even interactions at home in order to create the greatest chances for success. Watching too much television has the possibility of causing a drop in test scores, violent outbursts and overall struggle to develop and positively participate in society. Television is not the only contributing factor to these issues; therefore, the entirety of the blame cannot be placed solely on it. It may lead individuals to better understand how to change the choices and paths of children with proper supervision, influence and guidance. Unchecked, television has the ability to cause difficulties for children; however, if used properly it can also be a great educational asset. As technology becomes a bigger part of everyday life, it will be important to stay informed on how it works, how it helps society grow or the possible dangers that come with it. Society cannot hide from progress, but can help guide and direct choices for children today and into tomorrow. References Boyse, K., RN. Reviewed by Brad Bushman, PhD. August (2010) Television and Children Grohol, J.M., Psy.D. on 21 Feb (2009). Kids with bedroom TV sets have lower standardized test scores. Grohol, J.M., Psy.D. Jun (2014) Sleep Disorders Insomnia Hipwell, A., Murray, L., Ducournau, P., Stein, A. (2005). The effects of maternal depression and parental conflict on childrens peer play. Child: Care, Health Development, 31(1), 11-23. Mitrofan, O., Paul, M., Spencer, N. (2009). Is aggression in children with behavioural and emotional difficulties associated with television viewing and video game playing? A systematic review. Child: Care, Health Development, 35(1), 5-15. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2008.00912.x

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Research or Term :: essays papers

Research or Term PROCEDURE FOR WRITING A TERM PAPER A term (or research)paper is primarily a record of intelligent reading in several sources on a particular subject. The task of writing such is not as formidable as it seems if it is thought out in advance as a definite procedure with systematic perpetration. CHOOSING A SUBJECT Most good papers are built around questions. You can find subjects in any textbook. Simply take some part of the text that interest you and examine it carefully. Ask yourself the following things about it to see if you can locate a question to answer in your paper. Does it tell you all you might wish to learn about the subject? Are you sure it is accurate? Does the author make any assumptions that need examining? Can two of the more interesting sections in the text be shown to be interrelated in some useful way? Your paper is an attempt to write a well-organized answer to whatever question you decide upon, using facts for the purpose of proving (or at least supporting) your contention. The most common error made by students in choosing a subject for a term paper is to choose one that is too general. (The most specific subject will always have enough aspects to furnish a long paper, if you think about it for a while.) FINDING SOURCES OF MATERIALS A. Limitations. Tradition suggests that you limit your sources to those available on the campus and to those materials which are not more than 20 years old, unless the nature of the paper is such that you are examining older writings from a historical point of view. B. Guides to sources. 1) Begin by making a list of subject-headings under which you might expect the subject to be listed. 2) Start a card file using the following forms. a) Book and magazine article: * i. Subject * ii. Author * iii. Title * iv. Facts of publication * v. Library call number b) News story: * i. Subject * ii. Facts of publication * iii. Headline c) Periodicals: * i. Author * ii. Title * iii. Name of periodical * iv. Volume and page number * v. Month and year. Sort these cards into (a) books and (b) each volume of periodicals. Then look up call numbers other periodicals and sort out those for each branch library. This sorting save library time. C. Consult the card catalog in the library to locate books - record author, title, publisher, date of publication and call number.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Parallel Motivations in the Iliad and the Odyssey Essay

The Iliad and the Odyssey were poems written by Homer about events in Greek mythology. The Iliad detailed the final year of the Trojan war, which pitted the Greeks against the Trojans, and this poetic story described the outcome of the war. Homer’s Odyssey describes the adventures of Odysseus (Ulysses, as he was known in Roman mythology) as he tries to return home, to Ithaca, following the Trojan War. But there is one them that is present in both of these poems, and that is that when everyone is longing for home, disaster and further complications always arise. In the Iliad, the Greeks are trying to wrap up the war quickly, because many of the men miss their homes, but the bloody battle is claiming lives form both sides, and in the Odyssey, Odysseus only wants to return home, to his wife and son, but he is delayed by a series of events and catastrophes that for some time, only leads him further and further from home. The Iliad details the final year of the Trojan War, which was waged by the Greeks on the Trojans over Helen of Sparta, wife of Menelaus, who was the brother of the Greek commander, Agamemnon. Paris of Troy was told he could be granted one wish by Aphrodite, the love and beauty goddess, and he decided that he wanted Helen, who he though was the most beautiful woman in the world. The Trojans were able to get Helen, and hold her in Troy, and the Greeks attacked Troy over Helen, according to the myth. But in the final year of the War, it had been drawn out, and many Greek combatants only wanted to return home. At the beginning of the Iliad, Achilles, a Greek warrior who was extra fearsome (due to his nearly-immortal status- as the only place on his body that could be harmed was the back of his heel), was not participating in the battle, because Agamemnon had agreed to return a war prize of Achilles, who was a young girl, to Sparta, and Achilles was upset. So with Achilles out, Paris of Troy’s older brother Hector, the Trojan Prince, was the greatest warrior in the war, and he did some serious damage to the Greek forces. Achilles’ friend Patroclus goes into battle, disguised as Achilles, and Hector kills him, thinking he has killed Achilles. Achilles is angered by the slaying of his friend, and kills Hector in combat, and drags his body around the besieged city of Troy for days, but King Priam, the King of Troy, comes out to the Greek camp and negotiates with Achilles for the body, so that he could give his son proper burial. Achilles lets him have the body, and the Iliad ends with Hector’s funeral. The Odyssey is Homer’s work that details the plight of Odysseus as he tries to return home after the Trojan War. After the Iliad, Achilles was slain by Paris, who was able to strike him in the heel with a single arrow, which killed him, but the Greeks were victorious due to the wisdom and cunning of Odysseus. He came up with the plan for the Trojan horse, which was a war prize that the Greeks built for the Trojans, as they pretended defeat, but when the Trojans brought it into the city, some Greeks jumped out, and opened the gates to their comrades, and the Greeks overwhelmed the Trojans from inside the city’s walls. After the war, Odysseus and his men set off on their twelve vessels, headed for Ithaca, but disaster did not wait long to strike. The actual poem begins in the middle of the storyline of the Odyssey, which is at the point where Odysseus has been held captive by the nymph Calypso for seven years, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is preparing Telemachus, Odysseus’ young son, for a voyage that will act as a search for his father. At the same time, Odysseus’ wife, Penelope is fending off suitors, who wish to marry her, and take over as king of Ithaca, and Odysseus’ replacement, but she is able to delay them. At that time, Odysseus is very worn out, and wishes to return home to see his wife and son, because he has been away for decades, fighting in the Trojan War, and then encountering disasters, and spending time as Calypso’s unwilling companion on her island. But Zeus sends Hermes, the messenger god to tell Calypso that she must let Odysseus go free to his family, and she gives him food, and he builds a raft to set off. And here is another recurring theme of the story, which is of hope, as throughout the Iliad and Odyssey there are times when everything seems like it is going to be alright, but them further disasters and complications occur. But Poseidon, father of a Cyclops that he had killed, named Polyphemus, wrecks his raft, and Odysseus swims ashore to another island. Odysseus reveals his story to Demodocus, the ruler of the land where he washed ashore, after the story of the end of the Trojan War was told to him. This is where Odysseus explains what had happened to him from the end of the war until the end of his stay on Calypso’s island. It was an act of betrayal by Odysseus’ crew that most delayed his return to Ithaca following the Trojan War. He had gone to the island of Aeolus, the master of the winds, who had given him a bag of winds, which he was told to use wisely, to aid in his return home. Odysseus told his crew never to touch the bag, but thinking that it contained gold, they opened it when Odysseus slept, and the winds blew the ships back away from Ithaca as it was coming into sight, to near where their voyage had began. After that, Odysseus and his men encountered malevolent nymphs and cannibals, all of whom further delayed Odysseus as he tried to return home. He stayed with one nymph, Circe, for a year, where he and his crew feasted and drank, but then they set off again for Ithaca, and Circe helped them get started. There were countless times in the Odyssey when it seemed like everything was going alright, and that the men would be to Ithaca in just a few days if everything went on course, but it never did. Some disaster always arose that made it harder for the men to return home. After leaving Circe, Odysseus had been told that he had to visit a dead poet in the underworld for instructions to get back to Ithaca. When he went to the underworld for advice, he saw his mother there, and Agamemnon’s spirit, along with those of other Greek companions who had been slain during or after the war. When he left the underworld, Odysseus sailed back to Circe’s island again. Before left again, the Circe warned him about some of the dangers that he would still have to go through on his return, and she instructed him on how to safely survive them and continue to Ithaca. The first danger that he was to face were the Sirens, which were evil sea nymphs who lured sailors to their deaths with beautiful singing, and made the sailors jump overboard when they heard the voices of the nymphs. Odysseus ordered his men to plug their ears with wax to make it so that they would not hear the Sirens’ singing, which would lead to their deaths. But he wanted to hear their songs himself, so he had his men tie him to the ship’s mast so that he could not be led away, and he cut himself trying to break free of his restraints. Odysseus and his men then passed through the narrow cavern between Scylla, a monster with many heads, and Charybdis, a dangerous whirlpool, and they landed on the land of Thrinacia. But his men there, ignoring the warnings of Circe, killed some of the sacred cattle that belonged to the god Helios, and after they set off, he caused the ships to run aground, killing everyone but Odysseus, who washed up on Calypso’s island, taking the reader back to the point that the beginning of the story began at. This detailed all of the problems that Odysseus had encountered so far in his quest to return home, after a seemingly never-ending war. People in the Iliad were of the same mind state, which was that they could never return home, as the war was always full of complications and divine interventions that prolonged the Trojan War, and Odysseus found that his journey back after the war had many of the same characteristics. This is the biggest similarity between the two poems: as people are exhausted, and longing for home, complications always delay there return, and make life for the Greeks (and for Odysseus, in the Odyssey) more miserable. The Phaeacians, of whom Demodocus, who he was telling his story to, was the king, decided to help Odysseus, and being skilled navigators, they sailed him to a hidden harbor at Ithaca, and Odysseus then stayed at the hut of one of his former slaves, who was a swineherd. There, with the help of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who had always admired and tried to help Odysseus, he planned his entrance into Ithaca, and how he would reveal himself to his wife and son, and how he would defeat the suitors of Penelope. But as Odysseus is preparing for his fight with the suitors, who would certainly try to kill him, he maintains that he is not himself at all, and with the help of Athena, he disguises himself as an elderly beggar, and tells the herders he is staying with a fictitious tale about he came from Crete. At that time, Athena helps Telemachus, Odysseus’ son, return home from Sparta, where he had gone to ask about his father’s whereabouts, and after returning to Ithaca, he meets Odysseus, who reveals his identity, but maintains his disguise, and tells no one else of his true identity. This represents another theme that is present in both the Iliad and the Odyssey, which is that patience and wisdom are more valiant than strength and brute force, and when it comes down to it, wisdom usually prevails. As after nearly a decade of fighting, the Trojan War was still going strong, it took an act of guile and wisdom and patience, on the part of Odysseus to secure a Greek victory. And here, as Odysseus decided to maintain his new identity until every threat had been neutralized, he was again exhibiting the same kind of patience and wisdom that he had used to win the Trojan War for the Greeks. Still disguised as a beggar, Odysseus returns to his old house that he had not seen in over two decades, and sees that it is overrun by rowdy, disrespectful suitors, who aim to marry his wife so that they can take over as King of Ithaca. But Odysseus has other plans, and calculates the strategies that he will use to defeat the suitors as Eumaeus, the swineherd, and former slave of Odysseus escorts him through the house. He meets his wife Penelope, and is able to maintain his disguise, but a house keeper, who washes the beggar Odysseus’ feet notices a scar that Odysseus had received from a boar hunt many years before he left to fight in the Trojan War, but he convinces the house keeper to remain silent. The next day, Penelope has the suitors come into a room to compete for her in an archery competition that uses the bow of Odysseus. None of the suitors are strong enough to string the bow, so Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, steps forward, and as the suitors are laughing at him, he strings it. Then he, his son, and some of his former slaves turn on the suitors, and kill them all. After that, some of the supporters of the slain suitors decide that Odysseus has caused the deaths of too many men from Ithaca, blaming him for the deaths of the men he went to war with, and who were shipwrecked do to their own disobedience, in addition to the deaths of the suitors. But Athena convinces everyone to accept Odysseus again as the King of Ithaca, and the Odyssey is finished. There are many parallel themes that are present in both the Iliad and the Odyssey, but perhaps the most notable theme is the longing for home, which can only be satisfied by wisdom. During the Trojan War, Greek forces find themselves exhausted, and longing for home, but complications are only prolonging the war. Whenever they have a major accomplishment, catastrophe results in the story of the war. After Achilles was able to defeat Hector, Paris defeats Achilles. And in the end, it was the wisdom and patience of Odysseus that one the war for the Greeks. And in the Odyssey, things go much the same way. As Odysseus and his men are trying to return from Troy, and head back to Ithaca, whenever they have a significant gain, a setback seems to follow. When Odysseus got the back of winds that would allow him to control the winds and safely, and quickly navigate the vessels back to Ithaca, his disobedient men cause a problem, sending the ships back the way that they had come from. But in the end, it was Odysseus alone who returned, as he was able to ignore temptations, and find his way home to Ithaca, and to his family. And in the very end of Homer’s story, Odysseus used his wisdom to defeat his final enemies, as he was able to maintain his false identity until every threat had been nullified. This is how the Trojan War was won by Odysseus and the Greeks, and how he was able to finally find his way back to his family. Works Cited Homer. The Iliad. trans. Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin, 1990. Finley, M. I. The World of Odysseus. New York: Signet, 1974. Myrsiades, Kostas, ed. Approaches to Teaching Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. New York: MLA, 1987.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Traits Model of Leadership

The Traits Model of Leadership Hashtag: #labourleadership Mark of a Good Leader The Traits Model of Leadership There is a popular impression that being an intellectual is one thing and being an effective leader is another. Intellectuals, according to the literature, are often seen as eccentric, iconoclast, awkward, irresponsible, self-absorbed, and individualistic thus incapable of leading collective activities.   For instance, in relation to #labourleadership or UK’s Labour Party leadership where alleged anti-austerity Jeremy Corbyn was recently elected, several politicians who led this political party in the past were not effective leaders. The late Michael Foot according to author Bruce Macfarlane had very strong academic and intellectual credentials but was not prepared to compromise his beliefs for the sake of political expediency. In fact, he is always remembered as the leader who endorsed the dispatched of the task force in the Falklands War in 1982 and led the Labor Party to its greatest election defeat in 1983. The traits model of leadership suggests that the characteristics of a person are a predictor of both successful and unsuccessful leaders.   For instance, although an intelligent, self-confident, determined, honorable, and sociable person has the capacity to be a leader, he or she according to study needs to possess the five personality factors – neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. These personality factors suggest that the most effective leaders have tendencies to be depressed, anxious, insecure, and hostile. They are not only sociable and assertive, and have positive energy, but informed, creative, insightful, and curious. They are people that have the tendency to accept, confirm, trust, and nurture. Finally, they are systematic, prepared controlled, dependable, and decisive individuals. A leader, according to the literature needs to be effective in guiding the conduct of others, thus must be effective in conveying meanings and intentions, and in receiving them. A leader for that matter does not necessarily need to be an intellectual, a quality of a person that according to organization and management expert and author Chester Bernard does not work well with leadership.   The reason is that people with superior intellect and greater intellectual accomplishments are often absent-minded, non-punctual, non-decisive, and not interested in people.   Although intellectual abilities are sometimes a critical element in leadership, it is not a substitute for the other essential qualities of leadership such as those mentioned earlier. You may like these articles: Combining Academic Knowledge and Practicality Bright Sides of Academic Intellectuals We Call Nerds The Value of Academic Debate Practice What You Preach Who and What Deserve Respect? None Creature Can Fly with Just One Wing Successful leadership occurs where heart and mind meet, the two powerful wings that allow a leader to excel.   According to the study, leaders need to have enough intellect in order to understand and perform the tasks at hand, a quality that gets people in the leadership door. However, although intellect is considered a fundamental leadership trait, it is not enough to make a leader. For instance, aside from intellect, a leader need to motivate, guide, inspire, listen, persuade, and create resonance in order to execute a vision. Intellect, according to Albert Einstein, has â€Å"powerful muscles, but no personality†¦it can serve but cannot lead†.   Moreover, Swami Vivekananda, a key figure in Indian philosophy noted in one of his London lectures that â€Å"intellect is blind and cannot move by itselfInactive secondary help, the real help is feeling†.   Moreover, intellect without feelings cannot generate â€Å"authentic power†, the sustainable type of power over individual and organizations that according to the literature is the result of mastery of authenticity and emotional intelligence – unconditional trust, respect, honesty, truth, fairness, openness, care, and forgiveness.   Authentic power is generated by a leader’s capacity to do things with others while the quality of interactions and relationships is determined by the level of his or her emotional and social intelligence.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Amber Suites Inn Case Analysis Essays

Amber Suites Inn Case Analysis Essays Amber Suites Inn Case Analysis Essay Amber Suites Inn Case Analysis Essay Mene Kude Dr. Dixie Marketing 601 November 17, 2010 Amber Inn Suites, Inc. Strategic issues and Problem Identification The Amber Inns Suites, Inc. is a 250 property hotel chain, struggling with net operating lost since 2002, with fiscal year 2005 projected to be its fifth consecutive unprofitable year. The company has projected lodging revenue of $422. 6 million and a net loss of $15. 7 million for fiscal 2005. Joseph James, the company’s new president and chief executive officer, wants an hour presentation that describes initiatives, expenditures, and outcomes for the past two fiscal years, and a planned initiatives and budgetary needs for fiscal 2006. Mr. James goal for the company is to achieve profitability within two years. To this end, the V. P. of Sales and Marketing and the V. P. of Advertising has to corroborate on resource allocation in their respective budgets. The company would use growth in Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) as a corporate performance measure and a basis for determining senior management executive incentive compensation. It should be noted that EBITDA often disguises the financing effects of operations and allows allot of leeway in what is reported. This analysis looks at marketing strategies that best justify potential budgetary objectives that could lead to profitability. Industry Analysis The U. S. hotel industry recorded revenue of $113. 7 billion and grossed $16. billion in pretax profit in 2004. As of December 31, 2004, there were 4. 4 million hotel rooms in the United States. Approximately two-thirds of all U. S. hotel rooms were affiliated with a brand; the remaining one-third was independently owned and not brand-affiliated. Although companies such as Cendant Corporation, Marriott International, Inc. , Hilton Hotels Corporation, Inter-Continental Hotel Group, and Choice Hotels International, Inc leads the industry in having the most hotel rooms in the United States, the hotel industry is highly fragmented, with no one company dominating the arket. Though difficult to compare, hotel industry do have wide range of offerings and recognizable areas of distinctive competencies that allow for differentiated offerings. Generally, the industry can be divided into two main markets, full service hotels, and economic hotels. The full service hotels offer rooms and services that include restaurants for meals, bars and sometimes gymnasiums or spas. They range from luxury to low cost hotels differentiated not only by the facilities but in service levels that are offered. Economy hotels only offer a limited service, providing a room and few additional services such as a dinks machine and ice machine. They are generally lower in price compared to the full service hotels. The market is also divided into leisure travelers who are less price-sensitive and business travelers. The leisure market shows enormous rooms for growth as leisure travelers are only loyal to hotels that meet their respective needs. The September 11th event caused declined in profitability across the industry; while other organization within the industry eventually bounced back and reported profitable operations following improved economic conditions, Amber Inns Suites remain unprofitable. Organization Analysis and Positioning The corporate service mission of Amber Inn Suites, Inc. is to provide principally business travelers with clean and comfortable guest accommodations in convenient locations at reasonable prices. The company is positioned as a limited service hotel between economy hotels and full-service hotels. This positioning in the middle allows it to place its offerings in indirect competition with both full service hotels such as Holiday inn and Ramada inn, and economy hotels such as Red Roof and Motel 6. This positioning gives Amber Inn Suites a strong competitive advantage through differentiation of offering that can be seen as premium by some consumers and cost effective by others. Taking advantage of this competitive advantage will require a greater degree of investment in positioning and education of potential customers of the benefits for the offerings. Amber Inn Suites, Inc positioning has always been highly targeted at the business travelers with 80% of the travelers staying at the chains being business travelers. The business travelers market is more stable, less price sensitive and has less room for growth as full service hotels compete aggressively for their business. Amber Inns Suites locates its properties on premium sites, on major highways close to industrial, office complexes, and shopping centers for the most part in order to carter to its business traveler’s market. This excessive catering to business travelers leaves room for growth with leisure travelers. Overview of Past Performance In 2002 and 2004 guest profile, Average number of nights stayed on most recent visits improved from 2. 4 average nights to 2. 6. There are improvements in the likelihood of customer retention in the extremely likely and very likely category. 2002 sees an average of 81. 6% favorability rate and favorability rate of 84. 5% was recorded for 2004. There is an increase in the average number of occasions a guest stays at Amber Inn, from 9. in 2002 to 10. 8 in 2004. In spite of these increases, 2005 still sees a projected net operating lost. As such Amber Inns Suites have to rethink its strategic and make cost saving decisions like investments in technology so as to reduce direct labor cost. Improvement of energy efficient equipment could also help reduce utility cost. Another area of cut should be corporate employee compensation. Amber Inns Suites have to develop a ba lance that will streamline corporate compensation while retaining good talented employee. Alternatives The three areas that require immediate attention are as follows: First, allocation of media advertising dollars between the pleasure-vacation travelers and the business traveler market. Second, the frontier initiated of fiscal 2005, which have three objectives: (1) to increase overall occupancy in both guest rooms and suites, (2) to attract first-time guests, and (3) to increase the length of stay per visit. Third, use of weekend special as a replacement of the â€Å"free-night stay† promotion used in fiscal 2005. This promotion would be used to increase weekend occupancy that is currently at 60 percent. Marketing Initiatives and Outcomes Access to markets is an important element of the marketing mix. Although there are gradual movement to increase the commitment towards the leisure market, majority of the effort is still aimed at the business traveler. For example, hotels are in areas that are easily accessible by business travelers. The company recognized this and made marketing efforts to attract leisure visitors that are merely looking for a bed on their way to a place of interest. This was the underlying approach used in the â€Å"a place to stay while on the way† campaign that was launched in the Northwest Rockies area, which focused on the leisure market showing couples and families enjoying the amenities offered by Amber Inns as they travels in that area. This was a successful strategy, which lead to increased level of occupancy paving the way to the frontier initiated in fiscal 2005 ‘frontier areas’ of Texas. The 2005 inclusion of the internet marketing facilitated bookings with an estimated 20% increased in travelers making bookings on the internet will lower direct labor cost. Notably, an aggressive marketing strategy will help educate customers to identify their needs while paving ways for increase profitability. It is noted in the case that some business customers are not happy with the families using the hotels. This is regrettable and needs to be addressed. Future plans has to reflect the need of adapting to a new environment of technological innovation and core customer sensitivity, many of whom are loyal with average of about 10 visits a year with 66. 7% booking rate. 2005 Lodging Expenses |Direct Cost/rental room |28. 5 | |Room units |26500 | | Occupancy Rate |65% | | Room used |17225 | |Suite Units |3500 | | Occupancy Rate |75% | | Room used |2625 | |Total Room Used |19850 | |Total Unused Rooms |10150 rooms | 2006 Budget Plan The internet is cost effective and of increasing importance and has to be employed in developing the marketing plan for 2006. Placements of advertisements on web sites that travelers may frequent, effective listing of Amber Inn Suites link with search engines (like Google and Yahoo) and the use of viral and social networking sites should be leveraged. The company should use banner advertisements differentiate Amber Inn Suites focusing on quality and value of their offerings like accommodation for a reasonable price. Such efforts may lead to high retention of the core business market and an increase in the target leisure market. Many leisure travelers tend to travel on the weekend a time when business travelers tend to be at home. As a result, the promotions used to attract the leisure market will be focused in the weekend night, Friday – Sunday, with leisure rates prices that are competitive. Such offer will attract families on the weekends when there are fewer business travelers and will help to increase the occupancy rates of the hotels. The use of television advertising should be changed with the message that is more aligned to the branding and positioning of the hotel chain – a message that may appeal to both the business and the leisure market. The message should reflect quality rooms with a high level of reliability and value as well as good service. The use of increased levels of billboard advertising near the locations of the Inns, with similar message of value and comfort should be employed. Once there is a noticeable increase in occupancy rate, an increase in room prices of $1 or $2 per night during the week, should be considered. The level spent on research should be lower, but needs to be ongoing. My propose budget for 2006 are as followings. |Figure 1b Marketing and Sale Budget | |Sales Budget |2006 |2005 | |Sales reps |4,033,470 |3,841,400 | |Sales and marketing admin 525,210 |500,200 | |Sales Materials |15,965 |15,205 | |Travel |331,013 |315,250 | |Sales and marketing research |20,000 |60,000 | |Total |4,925,658 |4,732,055 | Figure 1a Advertising Budget Advertising Media Budget | | |Media |2006 |2005 | |Magazine |3,300,000 |3,236,240 | |Newspaper |3,800,000 |4,096,965 | |Outdoor |540,000 |519,700 | |Spot television |2,300,000 |2,340,266 | |Cable networks |1,000,000 |1,048,589 | |Radio |260,000 |257,740 | | Internet |1,700,000 |1,000,500 | |Total |12,900,000 |12,500,000 | Financial Performance of Amber Inns and Suites The increases in occupancy rate are counteracted by special offers culminating in a drop of in revenue between 2002 and 2005 projection. The rates for the room are well below the industrial average of $96 a night for business travelers and $89 for leisure traveler. For Amber Inns, the average daily rate has been only $57. 2, which leads to a revenue per available room of only $38. 60. With only a 79% occupancy rate there are a lot of empty rooms and revenue that can be realized with marginal costs; besides, the majority of the overheads are incurred whether the rooms are occupied or not. Increasing in revenues may help lower the overhead burden per room thus decrease contribution margin and increase net operating income. A projection for 2006 is included in the analysis below. Also, investment in technological upgrades will help lower both utility cost and labor cost culmi nating in my proposed 2006 projected income statement below. What is stated below indicates that cost cutting strategy most be employed. This means cutting cost from corporate conpensation expense, direct labor cost via the use of technology, and efficient use of utility as well as energing saving utility equipments upgrade. Amid streamlining cost will be the use of the various low cost promotional tools discussed earlier. Doing all of this wil increase occupancy rate, lower fixed cost over time, lower contribution margin, and bring net operating income above breakeven point. Figure-2 Amber Inn Suites, Inc. Consolidated Statement of Operations | | | | |2006 (proj) |2005 (proj. |2004 |2003 | |Lodging Revenue |$443,798 |$422,625 |$397,980 |$386,429 | |Variable Expense | | | | | |Direct Lodging Expense |$212209 |$211,239 |$194,887 |$192,069 | |Other Lodging Expense |$62462 |62,482 |54,672 |52,271 | |Sales, General Administrative Expense |$45635 |44,941 |39,029 |36,201 | |Total Variable Expenses |$320,306 |318,662 |288,588 |280,541 | |Contribution Margin |$123,492 |$103,963 |$109,392 |$105,888 | |Fixed Expense | | | | | |Depreciation Amortization |68,235 |70,135 |78,044 |69,190 | |Interest Expense |49,020 |49,520 49,786 |50,535 | |Total Fixed Expenses |$117,255 |$119,655 |$127,830 |$119,725 | |Net Operating Income |$6,237 |($15,692) |($18,439) |($13,837) | |Contribution Ration |0. 278261732 |0. 245993493 |0. 274868084 |0. 274016702 | |Dollar sale needed to attain a profit |$421,383. 85 |$486,415. 31 |$465,059. 45 |$436,925. 92 | Net Operating Income = Contribution Margin Total Fixed Expenses ontribution Ratio = Total Contribution Margin / Total Revenue Dollar Sales to break even = Fixed expenses/CM Ration Recommendations As discussed earlier, media advertising dollars should be increased for pleasure travelers. Although their core business is around business travelers, the opportunity for the most growth is with vacation travelers. Based on early projections, Amber Inns Suites will be 7. 9 percent than fiscal 2004 on occupancy rates. During the summer months, when there is increased family travel, the hotels should make an effort to segregate business travelers from families. This should lower the complaints from the business travelers. The frontier strategy should be kept in place. Based on industry reports, less than 30 percent of families stay more than two nights. This is an opportunity to increase a family stay and produce additional revenue when families do the most traveling. Finally, the weekend special should be initiated in fiscal 2006 as discussed in the earlier section. This special would require very little advertising cost and would potentially increase weekend occupancy. Beside, increased promotion for weekend special will have a spill over effect on the business market in that name recognition will be promoted. Also, some of the business travelers who stay may take there family there for a weekend together. Increase occupancy will also decrease contribution margin and sprread the overhead cost leading to net profit.