Sunday, December 22, 2019

Roles Of Women During World War II - 1338 Words

Throughout history women have been burdened to be nothing more than domestic individuals. Their roles were to fulfill their household duties as wives and mothers. Many restrictions applied to their womanhood and not being able to work was one of them. However, the roles of women changed during World War II. As men were being recruited to fight in the war the openings for jobs were in high demand. During this time many women began to commence in the workforce altering the role of women, particularly those of the Mexican-American communities. Minority groups were often discriminated especially Mexican- Americans, not only were they discriminated but were also seen as criminals and were a temporary implement during the war. Mexican- Americans had to overcome obstacles that were put in their way and fight for what they deserved. Before the war women were responsible to care for their children and be good wives to their husbands. Their responsibilities at home were their only obligations they had to worry about. That quickly changed when the war began, as jobs were being left behind women were needed in the workforce to fill in the spots that were left vacant by men. The government began to endorse Mexican- American women by creating propaganda posters that appealed to them luring them to work. Many of those women began to work in manufacturing warehouses to work on aircrafts. Some of their male counterparts were intimidated with having women working along their side doing jobsShow MoreRelatedRole Of Women During World War II950 Words   |  4 PagesHistory 116 December 1 2015 The Role of Women in World War II In the early 19th century the role of women was typically categorized as doing chores around the house and raising children. Seldom were women seen with real jobs or in positions of full-time employment but as the United States developed so did the role of women. 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