Friday, December 6, 2019

Spirituality and Health Multidisciplinary Explorations

Question: Discuss about the Spirituality and Health for Multidisciplinary Explorations. Answer: Introduction: In the assignment, I aim to reflect on a movie Provoked and use theoretical paradigms to a specific areas of practice. In this context, I want to explore the female character, who became the victim of heart-wrenching oppession from her husband. She witnessed the striking reality of domestic violence and reckless torture. In the assignment, I intend to select the female character named Kiranjit Ahluwalia, played by Aishwarya Rai. Her character was victimized and exploited by her husband named Deepak Ahluwalia. The male character, Deepak Ahluwalia, played by Naveen Andrews. Initially, the character of Aishwarya Rai was shown as an oppressed wife, who was physically and mentally tortured by her husband on regular basis. Using the theories from the book, Modern social work theory by Malcolm Payne (2015), I intend to explore the approaches in the research. The theories that the writer emphasizes are humanistic practice, existentialism, and spirituality. At the same time, I have used other theories such as empowerment, advocacy, critical practice, feminist practice, anti-oppressive and multicultural sensitivity approaches to practice. The purpose of the assignment is to conflate the modern social theories with the cinematic situations and transitions of the film. The theories address the crises and the exploitation perpetrated to the young married woman, Kiranjit Ahluwalia by her husband in the film. In order to understand theories and practice, one has to grasp the concept of social work theory. The first segment of theories related to Humanistic practice and existentialism that put an emphasis on personal development. According to Malcolm Payne (2015), the theoretical perspectives underscore shared knowledge as a source of individual and collective empowerment. At the same time, the empowerment and advocacy theory spawns experience and nexus that bolster people to gain a deeper comprehension of their lives and revisions within them. The critical theories give an interesting insight into the existing social order that analyzes the factors, focusing on social barriers. Malcolm Payne (2015) argues that Humanism and Existentialism are the disparate ways of understanding human life. The humanistic vision emphasizes the ability of conscious human beings to identify, use logic and act independently of the superfluous powers, such as almighty, religion, community and superstitions. The model of Humanism regards the interpretation of people as authentic. The Humanistic ideas juxtapose both the practice and writings. Payne claims that Existentialism defines the ability of people to achieve the individual power to regulate the lives. The concept of Spirituality highlights the quest for meanings and goals in life, focusing on the transcendental regime of human beings. Feminist theories elucidate and lend response to the oppressed status of women in most societies. The feminist theories address the physical and mental domination of women with the help of coordinated dialogue and group work. In this way, these theories comprehend the changing dynamics of the society that affect the social liaison of women. Antidiscriminatory/multicultural sensitivity theories manifest a critical understanding of cultural and racial hurdles, struggles and divergence (Payne, 2015). The conflated theories manifest practice that respects the individual and social perspective of people. Based on these theories of social work, the plight of the dominated female character of the film Provoked shall be addressed. In the assignment, the writer puts an emphasis on other theories such as Psychodynamic Practice, Cognitive Behavioural Practice, Systems and Ecological Practice, Macro Practice, Social Development, and Social Pedagogy. Psychodynamic practice unravels how the problem-solving mechanisms of social work bolster the current social trend and help people adjust to the society with ease. Cognitive-Behavioral Practice offers the practitioners of social work an efficient tool that emphasized the development of behavior of the individual in a rational way. At the same time, the practitioners understand the genesis of the behavioral problem. Cognitive-Behavioral theories unravel how thought process engender behavioral processes (Payne, 2015).With the help of the theory, every individual comprehends the changing dynamics of behavioral pattern. Based on this theory, all the individuals can lessen social issues that affect them. Systems and Ecological practice support the melange of interpersonal skills with abilities that involve social organization, families, and communities. The practice underscores the integration of personal and social factors. The purpose of the Systems and Ecological practice is to help pe ople adjust themselves in the surrounding. Based on the Systems and Ecological ideas, every individual responds to the social milieu. Macro practice, social development, and social pedagogy are the three trends used by social workers. They employ these three approaches and bring all people with same interests and preferences. These approaches help the social workers identify the preferred concerns and work in unity to resolve the problems (Payne, 2015). In the assignment, the theories (discussed above) should be connected with the chosen character of the film. The chosen film is Provoked and the character of Aishwarya Rai plays the crucial role. The name of the character of Aishwarya Rai is Kiranjit Ahluwalia, who married an affectionate man, Deepak Ahluwalia and migrated to London, United Kingdom. The female protagonist, albeit, showed in an emasculated light at the first stage of the film. She went through a phase of domestic turmoil and rapacity. In her martial sojourn, her husband used to exploit her physically and mentally. In the piece, the writer aims to connect the discussed theories with the cinematic situations. With the help of the theories, I intend to delineate the image of the female character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia. The theories that I have discussed are Humanistic practice, Existentialism, Spirituality, anti-discriminatory/multicultural sensitivity. There are other theories that construe the situations faced by the fema le character in the film. These theories are Psychodynamic Practice, Cognitive Behavioural Practice, Systems and Ecological Practice, Macro Practice, Social Development, and Social Pedagogy. To begin with, the first theory is Humanistic practice, which is a significant theory. Based on this perspective, the human being is able to discern, employ logic and act independently of the superfluous forces, like almighty, religion, ethnicity and superstitious notions. In the film, the chosen character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia became aware of the graveness of the situation. After enduring the brutal torture for a long time, she planned to teach a lesson to her husband. For a long period, her husband used to perpetrate violence on her. She was mercilessly exploited and left her in the lurch. Once, she lost all her cool and murdered her husband. During that time, she became infuriated by her husband's activities. Her husband, Deepak Ahluwalia never thought in a humanistic way. At the other end of the spectrum, the chosen female character always kept the priorities of her children above everything. She remained silent, inasmuch as of the children. For a long time, she applied Humanistic practice and never reciprocated to the torture. In the last, she could not cope with the growing domestic crises and break into a sprint. The next theory is Existentialism that plays a crucial role in this regard. According to Malcolm Payne (2015), Existentialism is a philosophical theory that underscores the concept of existence of the individual person as a free responsible and determined agent. In the course of the film, the female protagonist, Kiranjit Ahluwalia faced a phase of domestic crises and violence. She remained at the receiver's end and countenanced a rigid phase. Initially, she was beaten and exploited by her husband. She could not withstand the pain and misery for a long time. Bereft of the familiar satisfaction, she killed her husband and committed a crime. After murdering her husband, she was detained by the British police. She was sentenced for killing her husband, Deepak Ahluwalia. However, she began to experience a new way of life in the British jail. The chosen female character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia started to live an independent and responsible life. She did not have to deal with the brutal activit ies of her husband. After entering the jail, her life changed at a rapid pace. She became friends with many impoverished and friendly roommates. The female character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia enjoyed a new space and brimmed with happiness. The theory of Existentialism founds a new ground in the film, Provoked. The next theory is Spirituality that assumed a new dimension in the movie, Provoked. The idea of Spirituality highlights the mission for implications and objectives in life, concentrating on the supernatural administration of people. There is no single, generally concurred meaning of spirituality. Surveys of the meaning of the term, as utilized as a part of the insightful research, demonstrate an expansive scope of definitions, going from extremely slender and uni-dimensional definitions, for example, an individual confidence in a heavenly realm to more extensive ideas. An overview of audits by McCarroll (2005), i.e. managing the point of the most profound sense of giving twenty-seven unequivocal definitions. This causes some trouble in attempting to study otherworldly existence deliberately; i.e., it hinders both comprehension and the ability to convey discoveries in an important manner. Surely, a hefty portion of otherworldly existence's center elements are not one of a kind to a d eep sense of being distant from everyone else; for instance, German logician Arthur Schopenhauer (an acclaimed agnostic) respected self-amazing quality, self-denial and the acknowledgment of one's association with all as a key to moral living. The crux of the matter is how would one relate the concept of spirituality with the chosen character? In the film, Provoked, the female protagonist suffered from a phase of anxiety and domestic pain. After killing her husband, she was sentenced to jail. In the British jail, a new chapter of her life started. In the course of her life in jail, she makes friends with her roommates and delved deep into the study of her perspective. She was aware of her strength and weakness in a stretch. At the same time, she was in the quest for objectives in her life, focusing on the transcendental realm. In this way, she learned to fight against all the oppressive forces that overwhelmed her at the initial stage. The next theory is anti-discriminatory/multicultural sensitivity, which needs to be discussed in a detailed manner. At the same time, I aim to relate the theory with the framing of the chosen female character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia of the film Provoked. Anti-discriminatory Practice is a significant course that developed at the School of Social Work at York University, Canada. It has been created in order to advance a structure in which students can build up a reliably modest and basic way to deal with working in a worldwide setting. The students are urged to investigate their part as both oppressor and persecuted with a specific end goal to comprehend the unique situation for working with a different populace. The school attempted an educational programs audit so as to create and build up a program to prepare the students to work with different people groups. The course incorporates an examination of one's history, ethnicity, qualities and status in the public eye. Similarly, investigat ions of force and benefit emanating from transnational cooperation.Transnational points of view are vital in examinations of hegemonic frameworks due to expanding streams of work, capital, culture and information creation among countries and districts (Grewal and Kaplan, 1994). Anti-discriminatory and multicultural sensitivity, according to Malcolm Payne (2015), show a basic comprehension of social and racial obstacles and dissimilarity. The conflated hypotheses show the individual and social point of view of the global audience. In light of these speculations of social work, the predicament of the exploited female character of the film 'Provoked' should be addressed. In the film, Provoked, the chosen female protagonist battled against all obstacles and dissimilarity that enfeebled her. After killing her husband, she overcame all the anxieties and troubles that made her knelt before the fate of destruction. Domestic violence is a variant of social tension and abuse that is applied to the women. In the film, Provoked, the female character is showed in an emasculated light. She was entrenched in the patriarchal setting, where the husband dominated her wife throughout the film. Subsequently, the female character gained confidence and composure. After killing h er husband, she rescued herself and her children from the monstrous clutch. In the British Jail, she began to experience a new wave of freedom and life. Therefore, she broke all the social obstacles and made her free from the destructive peril. The next theory is a Psychodynamic practice that is the matter of significance. In the assignment, I have already explained Malcolm Payne's perspective on the stated theory. A psychodynamic hypothesis is a hypothesis that clarifies human conduct and human inspiration in understanding the cognizant and oblivious powers. Albeit a wide range of psychodynamic speculations exists, they all underscore oblivious intentions and yearnings, and also the significance of early adolescence encounters in molding identity. They emanate from the network of the psychoanalytic hypothesis. According to Payne (2015), Psychodynamic theory disentangles how the critical thinking systems of social work support the present social pattern and help individuals adjust with the general public effortlessly. In the film, Provoked, the chosen character, Kiranjit Ahluwalia countenanced stressful life that was not regulated. She had to cope with the growing domestic crises and the violence that was perpetrated on her by her husband. She was overwhelmed by the patriarchal impulse. In order to get rid of her monstrous husband, she killed him and entered the British jail. In the jail, she underwent many session of counseling and therapy. She began to make friends with the roommates and lead a life of happiness. In the course, the social work practitioners at the jail applied social work mechanism and helped her adjust to the society. They helped her to live a blissful life without any apprehension. In this way, she started to relax her mind setting and experienced a new way of living with her children in England. The next theory is Cognitive Behavioural Practice, which is explained in the assignment. Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) is an organized, time-restricted way to deal with psychotherapy that intends to address clients present issues (Dobson and Dobson, 2009). CBT utilizes issue employed intellectual and behavioral methodologies guided by experimental science and built hypotheses of learning and perception (Craske, 2010). These intercessions are conveyed inside a communitarian setting where specialists and customers cooperate to distinguish issues, set objectives, create mediation methodologies, and assess the adequacy of those procedures. As indicated by Malcolm (2015), Cognitive-Behavioral hypotheses unwind how a point of view induce behavioral procedures. With the assistance of the hypothesis, each individual appreciates the changing flow of behavioral example. In view of this hypothesis, every one of the people can decrease social issues that influence them. In the film, Provo ked, the chosen female character suffered heavily from mental depression, wrought by the domestic chores. She was brutally tortured by her husband. Therefore, she killed her husband and was detained by the British police officers. In the British jail, the social work practitioners deliberated on a systematic counseling of the victim. At the same time, the social work experts used cognitive behavioral strategies i.e. wielding of cognitive or cerebral faculties and fostered a new lease of life to the exploited woman. The woman was showed a new and enlightened path of living. Subsequently, she was released from the jail tenure. She started to live a happy life with her children in the foreign country. The next theory is Systems and Ecological Practice, which is an important theory. In the assignment, I have discussed the perspective of Malcolm Payne on the theory in the earlier segment. Payne (2015) says that Systems and Ecological practice bolsters the assimilation of interpersonal aptitudes with capacities that include social association, families, and groups. The practice underscores the incorporation of individual and social variables. The motivation behind the Systems and Ecological practice is to help individuals adjust to the society. In light of the Systems and Ecological thoughts, each individual reacts to the social setting. In the film, Provoked, the exploited woman underwent a session of counseling (Robbins et al., 2011). The social work practitioners made her comprehend the changing dynamic of her life. She started to live a life of happiness and learned to overcome the miserable incident that compounded her life. The last two theories are Feminist theory and social pedagogy. According to Malcolm Payne (2015), Feminist theory clarifies and reacts to the oppressed status of women in many social orders. It addresses the physical and mental control of women with the assistance of discourse and gathering work. The Feminist theory is directly related to the oppressed plight of the woman in the film, Provoked. With the help of the discourse, the chosen character learned to battle against all odds of the society. Payne (2015) claims that Macro practice, social advancement, and social pedagogy are the three patterns utilized by social workers. They utilize these three methodologies and carry all individuals with same interests and inclinations. These three distinct social trends are encapsulated in the film, Provoked. Reference Craske, M. G., Wolitzky-Taylor, K. B., Labus, J., Wu, S., Frese, M., Mayer, E. A., Naliboff, B. D. (2011). A cognitive-behavioral treatment for irritable bowel syndrome using interoceptive exposure to visceral sensations.Behaviour research and therapy,49(6), 413-421. Dobson, K. S. (Ed.). (2009).Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies. Guilford Press. Grewal, I., Kaplan, C. (Eds.). (1994).Scattered hegemonies: Postmodernity and transnational feminist practices. U of Minnesota Press. McCarroll, P., OConnor, T. StJ. Meakes, E.(2005). Assessing plurality in spirituality definitions.Spirituality and health: Multidisciplinary explorations, 43-61. Payne, M. (2015).Modern social work theory. Oxford University Press. Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., Canda, E. R. (2011).Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work. Pearson Higher Ed.

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